Meditating On… “Me” Time

Ever have “one of those days”? You know the ones I’m talking about… When you overslept, didn’t have time to dry your hair so you look like a drenched ballerina, you feel like you accomplished nothing at work (or house chores), … Continue reading

Lay Bare BUMP: 6 Weeks Pregnant & March 2014 Wishlist

Before I get started telling you what my blogger heart has an eagerness for this month, I wanted to throw in a couple of updates about my sprouting little baby & the bump that comes along with it. We are … Continue reading

Lay Bare BUMP: 5 Weeks Pregnant

Baby is… this size of a sesame seed! Well, it’s safe to say that thus far, baby number two is a hellion. But, of course, I mean that in the most endearing way possible. As mothers, no matter what our … Continue reading

A HUGE Hump Day Announcement

My first post after getting back from my cruise and you’d think that it would be something about how amazing spending 5 days in the sun with my wonderful husband was. Only, it’s not. It’s ever bigger and better. If … Continue reading

Three Treats for the Practical Pamperer

Winter brings unpleasant things. I’m not just talking about cold weather and viruses either. Let’s talk dry skin, frost-bitten phalanges, and split ends… Don’t tell me I’m the only one suffering! In fact, for the first time in 3 years, … Continue reading

Live An Hour More Each Day

I saw the above inspiration on Pinterest last night before I went to sleep and thought, “Yeah, right! Sleeping in is way better than getting up early. This is such a philanthropist quote!” But, the more I thought about it, … Continue reading

Progress Report: Matter Over Mind

Well, they say that the destination isn’t most important but, that it’s the journey along the way. Let’s hope that’s true because this week, I haven’t fallen off the bandwagon… I just don’t know if I ever really got on.

I was so busy this week that most days I didn’t eat anything significant until 5 or 6 o’clock and since Aunt Flo made herself at home for a nice cozy visit this week, I spent most of my free time in bed, doubled over with cramps. I finished editing one wedding day, just to turn around and prepare to photograph another one. Not to mention my house was so cluttered with clean laundry I never had the chance to put away that I was feeling very overwhelmed by it all. I would say that the word “diet” didn’t really fit in with many of my plans this week, for sure. I envy people that can say no to a slice of apple pie or pizza, ’cause I sure have a hard time.

Plus, we have a new friend who is very generous and decided to bring over Indonesian food when I got home from my photography job on Sunday.

I’m already frustrated with myself, regardless of how much I go jogging…etc. But, because I promised to weigh in once a week, I have stayed true to that.

After much agonizing about stepping on the scale I was surprised to have lost 2.6 pounds! It’s probably mostly water but, it still makes me feel good to know I didn’t completely botch up my goal. I am pretty happy overall with this week’s success 🙂

I do hope, though, that this week lends itself to being a bit more flexible when it comes to fitting it workout times and, now that we’ve gone grocery shopping (which I loathe), I have ingredients to make low cal dinners. I have planned at least 3 weeks worth of recipes and hope that I can stick with indulgence in their healthfulness. I find that mid-week meals are usually easier for me than the weekends, when I’m around my friends or out to eat. Do you face the same problems? What is your favorite mid-week meal/snack? How did you do with your weigh in this week?

Home-Style Meatloaf  is one of my favorite easy things to make. Click the link to get the recipe and try it out on your family tonight! My husband and step-son love it and it’s full of ‘good for you’ yummies. 🙂

Related Article:

Here I Come, Happiness! Ready or Not…


Sunday mornings are one of my favorite times of the week. It gives me time to reflect, meditate, and snuggle 🙂 This particular morning, I find the above list of ways to be happy completely inspirational.

I have previously blogged this exact list when I was blogging about my pregnancy but, for some reason, today it takes on a new meaning for me. Perhaps, I’m just feeling a little more grateful today for who I am and what I have.

(1) Something to do— In particular, today, I have a wedding to photograph. I get to witness the love between two people that is taking them to the next level in their relationship and in life. In my life, individually, I have a similar job. I see, daily, the love that my family members and friends have for me and for each other. I am a wife, a mom, a volunteer, a photographer, a blogger, and most importantly a unique person who has needs but, can also fill the needs of others. For this, I am extremely thankful.

(2) Something to love— I am in love with the concept of love. And, although my personal resolutions about others’ love for me may sometimes falter because of my lack of self-esteem or confidence, deep inside, I know that there is nothing greater than to love and be loved by another person. My husband reminds me of this daily and my children reinforce it even further. They are the cornerstones of my existence and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

(3) Something to hope for— I hope that I can remain who I am as I mold and change and become a better version of myself. I hope that I can be a role model for my family and others. I hope that I can maintain my friendship with those who have taken the time to get to know me; especially God, who is my reason for hope in general. Without a connection to those who have the same faith and wishes as I do, nothing would be possible.

Why not take a second to think about the answers to these for yourself? Reblog if you feel like sharing your own feelings on this list!
Thank you so much for reading! I am eternally obliged to each of you ❤ Have a great Sunday!